Summer 2009 in Calgary

After a long winter, summer has finally arrived here in Calgary! The weather is nice and there's always lots going on, it's our favorite time of the year.

We started our summer off with the annual ATCO Gas (where Peter works) company picnic on June 13th, up next was the Imperial Oil (where Cindy works) Family Day on June 27th. Both events were at Spruce Meadows, famous for its world class horse jumping facilities, and people from all over the world come to compete in or watch the competitions.
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As July 3rd rolled around, Calgary turned into Cowtown as we kicked up our boots for the start of the Calgary Stampede, The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth! Horses could be seen walking down the street and people dressed up in cowboy hats and boots for ten days of Stampede fun. Let's take a look at all of the fun and excitement!

Since Peter and I used up most of our 2009 vacation days for the trip to Hong Kong and China, we're spending the rest of the summer in town. The weather's been beautiful and we're taking the opportunity to soak up the sunshine and do some BBQing on the deck.

Luckily we still have a mini holiday to look forward to as we will be going to Vancouver at the end of July to check out the summer there before fall arrives.